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The most competitive and complete Auto-Mix platform available. Global ranking options among all mixes and live matches.

67975 created matches were found in the database.
Currently, 322 matches have been created within 24 hours.
15 matches are happening now Click here to watch.
Total of 19489 players are already part of the ranking See who are the best.

Check the pictures of some features of the system

And much more...

Anti-Cheat Updated Anti-Cheat and ban-free system available.
High Quality Optimized system with lightweight and accurate code. High FPS and perfect shots.
Skill Level All players have different skills based on their statistics.
Configuration Individual configuration files available for each server, with over 100 cvars for customization.
Features The system offers completely new and creative features for both players and admins.
Support Free support and automatic updates, ensuring full attention.